
Showing posts from May, 2024

Ramble On: Winter 2024-2025 Edition

  Round 2: Fight!  Playlist Link: Ramble On Winter 2024-2025   The concept of a guardian angel not wanting to do their job. By all means, eat his heart, but don’t expect to gain any courage from doing so.  Loyalty is my biggest kink (and honesty is a close second). Why is it always “ _ _ 7” when it comes to heroes — James Bond, 007. Master Chief, 117. Who is going to be 227? 337? At what point do fictional militaries start looking like they’re putting faith in angel numbers?  Quickest to rise is the first to fall…and those who fall the hardest rise the furthest.  Bite me.  Everything I write is open to (mis)interpretation.  Polish pearls on your nose.  Appalooooooooooooosa  I’m over video games that make you wait around to fly through space forever, just to land on a planet of desolation and dust. Nothing else about these games is realistic, so why aren’t we making more interesting planets. Show me a planet made entirely of Bismuth. Or d...



Youth (Archive)

My youth was found in middle-class apartments and a bottle of Jack.  It was found in kissing boys that were so much older than me., lying about my age, and passing out on the bathroom floor.  It was waiting, all week, for the weekend -- and another opportunity to ruin some dream.  Everyone would know my name.   Everyone would have touched my face.  The price of being young.


 Hell froze over that day.  The last laps of a fading flame,  blue light licking up the walls,  ready to consume -- Snuffed out.  A single curl of smoke pumped out in a thin line,  writhing and gasping,  dancing and twisting --  Rising only to be  gone.

library update

1.        Adams, D. (1979).  The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy. 2.        Adams, D. (1980).  The restaurant at the end of the universe. 3.        Adams, D. (1982).  Life, the universe and everything. 4.        Adams, D. (1984).  So long, and thanks for all the fish. 5.        Adams, D. (1992).  Mostly harmless. 6.        Atwood, M. (1969).  The edible woman. 7.        Breton, R. (2023).  The drolatic dreams of pentagruel. 8.        Burch, M. (2019).  The ultimate guide to home butchering: how to prepare any animal or bird for the table or freezer. 9.        Cline, E. (2013).  The importance of being Ernest. 10.    Funke, C. (2000).  The thief...


  “Had me this boy once. You kinda remind me . . .” She turned and surveyed the corridor. “Johnny, his name was.” ―  William Gibson,  Neuromancer

